Pictures of our Princess

All bundled up to go on a walk:

Saige and daddy up too early in the morning:
Saige's Baby Blessing:
The Tegeder Clan:
Some of the Mortenson Clan:
Fashion shots:

"What do you mean you wont take me to the Beiber movie?!"

We are just loving being parents to this little darling!


The Jo's said...

Very cute!!! Love the pics!

Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

What a cutie! And always so smiley!

Julie Tegeder said...

I love the one where she is in the purple dress looking up and smiling. Too cute!

Jaime said...

She is so pretty!!
..and it is still SO weird for me to see little Brad as a big grown up daddy.
Can't wait to see you guys.

Kyle and Shallan said...

She is soooo beautiful, just like you Molly! :)

mom/Anne said...

You will have to make a blog-book so that you'll have her birth story and all these pics forever. I love the huge flowers on the headbands. All the pictures are so cute. I love that you include a crying one, too, cuzz let's face it, that's real life. And she is still so adoreable even when she's throwing a fit over not getting to see the movie she wants to see. ;)

Julie said...

She is so stinking cute! I can't wait to see you guys!

Kate said...

Tegeder!! I saw your blog through Sara's. I didn't know you had a baby...congrats. She is absolutely beautiful!! Your birth story was fun to read too. (I also watched the Office while I was laboring with my first...gotta love it!). I'm happy to see everything is going well with you! --Kate Pieper

Nicole said...

i love the purple dress! you guys look like such proud parents :)