A Bit of Catching Up

Its hard to believe that 4 and a half months have past since little Saige Mackenzie came into our family!

Here are Saige's stats as of 4 months:

Weight: 14.5 lbs. (75%)
Height: 23.2 in (80%)
Head Circumference: 16.5 in (75%)

As my sister put it, she is by no means "petite".

A few fun facts about our little baby:

-She HATES tummy time. She really just cant stand it. We think thats why she rolled over at 4 weeks from tummy-to-back- she just couldn't take it any longer! (and, yes, that was some parental bragging :) But, give me a break, I am a first time mom!)

- She loves chewing on anything made of cloth- her burp rags, her pant legs, my sleeves, our sheets, her swaddling blankets, you name it. If its soft and cloth like, into the mouth it goes.

-She loves her baths- we love giving them to her! She splashes and tries to grab the washcloth from us any chance she gets to suck the water out.

- She can roll both ways, but forgets she can roll tummy-to-back sometimes and gets "stuck" on her belly. She cries till we pick her up.

- She just started giving us 6-8 hour stretches at night which is faaaaaabulous! After 6-8 hours of sleep, she nurses then goes right back down for about 3 more. Not too shabby!

-She loves the car seat much to our delight. She sleeps really well in it.

-She loves taking naps with Brad and he loves it even more.

-She still needs to be swaddled to sleep well for naps and nighttime. Brad and I created a makeshift straight jacket so she cant sneak her little paws out any more.

-She is generally very happy and smiley!

We just love having her around!


daniellejackson said...

Saige is so cute! I love all of those pictures! Alexa hated tummy time too. I love that last picture of her smiling so cute!

Traveling Nut said...

She is a doll and I can tell you two are such great parents. They are a lot of work, but worth every second. I wish we lived closer so we could see her.

Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

She seems so old and steady for a 4 month old. And that last picture! What a cutie!

mom/Anne said...

These pictures are awesome!!! I love her little outfits, and I love that she is so smiley!

Karen said...

I can't wait for the "one day" when we'll finally get to meet her.

The Jo's said...

Awww.....can't wait to squash her