Goslings at Willamette Park

For a while now, Brad and I have wanted to help out with gosling and duckling banding that takes place each May/June near Suavie Island here in Oregon. We missed it last year and this year I felt so terrible due to morning sickness that even the thought of spending an afternoon in the rain banding little water fowl was exhausting and made my stomach churn.
Our plan B was to go check out and feed the little cuties at Willamette Park near the river. This was much more do-able for a pregnant women still overcoming her pregnancy symptoms.
We love feeding the geese bread out of our hands. This first video gives you an up-close and personal view of whats that's like (ugh, I hate hearing my voice on camera):Here is a video of the CUTEST little goslings EVER! They were so tiny and kept stumbling when they walked:

One thing I love about Brad is how much he loves animals (yes, he hunts some of them, but he really loves and appreciates them, too). Some of the animals he has caught with his hands are trout, snakes, frogs, turtles, lizards, a kangaroo rat, ducks, geese, blue jays, magpie, wren, quail, sparrow and to top it off, a humming bird! Behold:

Anyway, here is a video of another catch of his. The mama goose wasn't too happy about it, as you can see:

We had a really great time! Can't wait till Summer actually begins here in Portland so we can spend some more time by the river! Here are a few pictures that Brad took while we were enjoying our evening:
LOVE this one below! Their little bums are so cute!I know I'm smiling, but some of these geese get waaaaaay to close for comfort and kind of freak me out. They seem to react to bread the same way I react when I see cupcakes.


daniellejackson said...

So cute and little! Looks like fun!

Jaime said...

Molly, you look great!! and Brad I hope you washed your lips after KISSING that Goose in the last video. hehe.

The Jo's said...

How cute! I like how much their chests stick out.

The Constantines said...

Those videos were very cute, but the one where Brad picked up the honker cracked me up! haha, I love that he kissed it and then the momma got super protective! We have a bunch of geese over here that he would love to pester ;) and a ton of fish for him to tackle as well! You look darling as ever Molly, and don't worry, your voice sounds great! I always hate hearing myself on video as well though.

mom/Anne said...

I love the pictures! Looks like you guys had fun.

I am happy we'll get to follow your pregnancy via blog! It was such fun being with you this past week. It was hard to say goodbye this morning and to leave that gorgeous lake. One of my favorite things was working the puzzles. Glad we could enjoy that together.

hugs and love,