Growing, growing, growing...

18 weeks! 4 months! 2 more weeks till we find out if we are having a mini-Brad or a mini-Me! I wanted to update with a few pictures of the growing belly.

Below is me at 13 weeks (I basically look exactly the same as pre-pregnancy, except this is practically the first time I smiled for weeks....stupid morning sickness...):
This next one is me at 15.5 weeks in that weird "in-between" stage where you just looking like you've been eating too many twinkies and people who don't know you're expecting think long and hard before asking if you are pregnant:
And finally 18 weeks! I'm actually wearing a maternity shirt (thank you, Jena!) and pants with a stretchy waste band. I think I have officially entered the maternity clothes stage of pregnancy. Sure, I can still wear my old shirts (and do) and my old jeans (unbuttoned upon sitting), but it's a blast to wear maternity clothes as a fun reminder that I DO have a bun in the oven!:
There you have it! On August 9th we get the ultrasound that will tell us what we have been longing to know! Do I think it's a boy or girl? First boy, then girl, then boy, but for the last 3 or 4 weeks I've been thinking girl (could I be slightly convinced of this because of all the cute little girl clothes I have seen at Old Navy lately? Maybe...). But I can't bring myself to call it a "she". We always refer to it as "he". So who knows. Brad's feelings about the gender are the same as mine, so we are pretty clueless. I'm taking a poll now. So, what do YOU think?


Karen said...

Hmm, my vote is:...girl. I'll have a 50/50 shot of getting it right, right?

daniellejackson said...

I think you'll have a girl!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

I think you're having a baby.

Julie Tegeder said...

Noah says a boy. Lovi says a girl. Summer says a girl. I'm going to go with.... boy.

Al said...

I'm with Troy.

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Nancee: You're looking good. It is so much better to actually fit in maternity clothes. I hate that in between stage. Oh, and I say it's an kitty.

Unknown said...

I say GIRL! You look so GREAT! I find out on the 1st of Sept. I hope you guys are doing well (looks like you are). Duane and I miss everyone so so much and Albuqeurque in not as beautiful as Portland. Miss you! You and Brad are going to have a wonderful baby!

daniellejackson said...

I thought it would be a girl! Congrats!! You'll have so much fun!