Manly Stuff for the Men

This post is mostly for Mortenson Men who are looking forward to hunting this fall.

The following pictures and video are from north eastern Oregon where Brad recently went scouting with one of his friends. They had a great time and saw lots of game. While I am dreaming of my upcoming vacation to Arizona and California where I will be lounging around a pool and playing with my totally adorable nieces, Brad spends his day dreaming hours pondering his upcoming hunt (which he will have much more time to do after his nasty dental board exam is completed...yuck) where he will be hiking from before sunrise to after sunset smelling much like the game he will be pursuing. I will miss him terribly! I hate being apart from him for more than a few hours. I'm still trying to figure out how to talk him out of going....any ideas?


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Can't wait to see you. Brad is gonna miss out. (:

Unknown said...

Beautiful country... the elk all heard you were coming and ran way I hear. sorry ,Brad

mom/Anne said...

love the pictures!