Preggo Pictures, etc.

7 months down, 2 to go! It's inSANE how fast the time has gone! I have said before that I figured coaching volleyball during the fall would really make the time fly, and it totally has. My team has done very well with a 6-4 record for the regular season and will be playing in semi-finals on Tuesday! Go aardvarks! (no, seriously, that is the school's mascot. I heard one of David Letterman's Top Ten Lists was "Top Ten Worst High School Mascots". This one might have made a top 20 list). Here is a photo of my team at a PSU volleyball match in early Oct:

A really great group of girls.I'm really hoping I can somehow coach next season, but with a 9 month-old baby, I'm not sure If I'll be able to swing it.

Anyway, here's what you came to the blog to see- me at 6.5 months:

Me and Bradley at 7 months:

And, if you can beleive it, me ONE WEEK after the above pic of Brad and I was taken:

Seriously, baby girl had a crazy growth spurt last Saturday night! I woke up Sunday morning to a MUCH bigger belly. Not only did Brad and I notice, but people at church AND parents of my volleyball players at Monday's practice. Hope this means she will come early....but truly cannot get my hopes up.

I feel pretty good! My hips is not doing so well, but I just started some light physical therapy in hopes of getting it into better shape. The P therapist said she thinks my pelvis is out of alignment, which makes sense because the pain is not only a ache, but a pinching sensation that can be quite uncomfortable.

I had an ultrasound last week and baby weighs about 3 lbs 12oz, on her way to weighing around 7.5 lbs at birth. Things are looking good! A few weeks ago, I suggested that we should make a count down paper chain, like the ones you made as a kid before Christmas, but Brad said it was a terrible idea- it would only slow time up, just like a kid before Christmas. I might sneak one onto baby's room anyway.

I have very low amniotic fluid I just found out so I need to up my water intake and lower my sugar intake...uh, that'll be tough considering we have Halloween, Turkey Day (that was for you, Karen), AND Christmas around the corner! Treats, treats, TREATS! But, obviously baby's heath come before my snarling sweet tooth.

Wish me luck! Thanks for stopping by!


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

You look FANTASTIC! I can't believe you are so close. Can't wait to see you next month. Congrats on the awesome volleyball team.

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Did your "baby's growth spurt" coincidentally coincide with a Saturday night gallon-of-ice-cream-for-one? (I bet you can figure out which of these comments is from Nancee and which one is from me... I mean... Troy.)

Rohatinsky Family said...

SOOOOO CUTE! I can't believe you only have 58 days left. That seems crazy to me. You look absolutely amazing!

Karen said...

Thanks for thinking of me Teg. (Can you see me rolling my eyeballs in your general direction?) :) There was a gal in my ward due on Christmas too...she had her baby last week. Their little girl has to be in NICU for a while. I'm glad your baby hasn't come yet even if you (and everyone else) are excited to meet her.

Been thinking of you. Thanks for the post.

Julie Tegeder said...

You look really good! I hope the hip pain doesn't get any worse that will definitely slooooww down the last few weeks.

The Jo's said...

BABY!!! Meesa excited.

mom/Anne said...

Very cute pictures. You are looking mahvelous dahling! I was thinking today about your little girl and getting so excited to meet her! I can't wait to hold her tiny little hands and kiss her red little cheeks. mmmmm

Olsen Family said...

Yea!! I am so excited for you to have your cute baby girl!! You are such a cute pregnant lady!

The Constantines said...

Another official stamp on it all- you're lookin' good girl! So dang cute- this girl is just going to be a peach. And, you won all of my respect due to the fact that you are totally pleasing your hubby by wearing a camo hat- what cute love birds! (I have been scouting out a camo beanie for the baby just to appease Brad, but no luck yet. I may just need to visit Cabela's).