36 weeks and counting....

This last weekend Brad and I went up to Seattle to have a pre-Thanksgiving feast with my mom's side of the family. It was a ton of fun though we were gone less than 48 hours. The only crap part of the trip was a man that I had a short exchange with at a holiday craft bizarre that went a little something like this:

Man: Let me guess- 2 weeks left? (talking about when my baby is due).
Molly: No, actually just under 5 weeks left
Man: (shocked expression) Twins?
Molly: (annoyed and suprised) Nope. Just one.
Man: (shakes head with continued stunned expression) That's gonna be one big baby!
Molly: (while walking away before I throw a punch) Yeah, we'll see.

What the heck?! How can people say things like that?! And I honestly don't think I look that big! Observe:
(Yeah, I know the lipstick color is awful).

And even if I was huge, c'mon! At the time , I wasn't laughing but the more I think about it the more it cracks me up. I would be preaching to the choir to tell people who read this blog to not ask those kinds of questions or say those types of things to a pregnant women. Plus, I always thought that was common sense, but apparently not.

On the other hand, earlier this year I was at the gym when on old guy asked me if I was 20 years old and told me he assumed I weighed 100 pounds! I'll take that accusation any day! However, he told me during later that he was going blind to the point that he could no longer play tennis. I choose to not recall that part of the conversation :)


Anonymous said...

Too funny/terrible! You look absolutely wonderful, healthy and NOT big at all! On the other end of the spectrum, I'm sure I told you this before, but someone mentioned that I didn't look pregnant enough... :( I've since then gained much more! I'm so excited for you to have your baby, and even though I will not be here I will send you my BEST WISHES! I hope we can meet up at some point before I head back. Hang in there, I know its getting harder to carry that baby! I'm getting slower by the day! <3

daniellejackson said...

Don't listen to crazy people like that! You look super cute and not huge at all! I like the lipstick!

Matt and Melissa said...

Oh Molly, I do not think you look huge. what a stinker of a guy. ha ha, you are good for brushing it off your shoulders. Atleast you got the other nice compliment, and even though he says he is going blind I think you look 20 and 100lbs too! Have a good Thanksgiving!

The Constantines said...

Bahaha! Ya, You're nicer than I would have been. Those are people that you want to shake because their stupidity is emanating like heavy perfume. I'm glad you walked away without hurting him ;)

Ty and Meg said...

Have to say I love the lipstick. :) And you look wonderful. People are just dumb and mean sometimes. Can't wait to meet your little one!

Rohatinsky Family said...

You are smokin' hot, and don't let that mans naive judgement make you think anything different. Why in the world do people make such stupid comments? That annoys me. You look just right and perfect! Can't wait to see your baby girl.