9 days left? Holy cow....

So, NOW would be an appropriate time for ignorant men to ask if I am having twins:

I'm feeling really good, but the last 2 weeks I have been retaining lots of water (please, please, PLEASE be water and not chub): my fingers look like Costco hotdogs, it looks like I have rolled both ankles, and there appears to be an additional chin where there was only one chin last month. Ah, the joys of pregnancy. But besides that, I really have nothing to complain about- though the last few weeks have become increasingly uncomfortable, its totally manageable discomfort and I generally feel great!

The great news that I learned at my doctor appointment a few weeks ago is that I am 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I know that's pretty typical for women in the last month of pregnancy and I really cannot get my hopes up that this little girl will come early. I am just excited that there is already SOME progress! Every pain in my abdomen, however minimal, gets me all excited that "this might be a contraction!" but, alas, the pain is always very short and not intense. One of these days....

Quick story: Brad and I went to a dollar theater last week. For those who aren't familiar with Portland, quite a few second-run theaters here either double as breweries or serve beer at the concession stand. Anyway, we were running late, couldn't find parking, finally get a spot, ran/waddled to the theater and finally got to the teller.

Me: Two for Secretariat, please.
Woman (who looks barley 19): IDs, please.
Me: (huh? what? Is this movie R and I look like a pregnant teenager? ooOOOoooh...) Oh, right. You serve beer.

I whip out my ID, but realized I picked Brad up from school and he only has his dental school ID which doesn't have DOB or anything. He flashed it at her, we explained he is a dental student at OHSU (hoping she would figure that a 20 year-old couldn't be a dental student and, c'mon, does Brad really look 20?)

I guess he does because she wouldn't let us in! I was so frazzled and frustrated. When I student taught 2 years ago people mistook me for a teenager once in a while, but to be turned away when we are in our mid-late 20's is just dumb. However, I have seen little signs near cash registers at 7-11's that say "I would card my mother" so I guess this chick was just doing her job. But it wasn't a bar, it want a club, it was an ultra ghetto movie theater on the SE side that happened to serve beer! It's like being carded while walking into Red Robin. Bah. So, heads up for my Portland friends, always make sure your ID is in your wallet before hitting up the Laurelhurst dollar theater.


Julie Tegeder said...

yikes! sooo close. We can't wait to meet her!

Karen said...

Getting so excited for you. Please let me know when she comes!